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. 2001 Jul 21;323(7305):131. doi: 10.1136/bmj.323.7305.131

Table 2.

Cohort studies of oral contraceptives and risk of venous thromboembolism

Author Study type Setting Study period Study population Assessment of exposure Method of ascertainment Firm diagnosis Inclusion criteria Control factors
Jick2 Cohort study General practices in United Kingdom (General Practice Research Database) Jan 1991-1994 238 130 women who were current oral contraceptive users Information from medical records Computer records 64% Women without a history of venous thromboembolism, stroke, acute myocardial infarction, cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, treated hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, and cystic fibrosis Age and calendar time
Farmer5 Cohort study General practices in United Kingdom (MediPlus database) Sep 1991–Sep 1995 491 908 women who were current oral contraceptive users Information from medical records Recorded diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolus and treatment with anticoagulant ? Women born between 1941 and 1981, without a previous episode of venous thromboembolism, trauma, or surgery within past 3 months, or were within 3 months of delivery or termination of pregnancy, or had been prescribed emergency oral contraceptives within 4 weeks of the event Age
Herings10 Cohort study Data were obtained from the PHARMO system, which includes information of hospital admissions and drug-dispensing records for all residents of 8 Dutch cities 1986-95 All female residents of 8 Dutch cities (about 450 000) Information from the PHARMO system Patient's hospital discharge records ? Women aged 15-49 years, who had ever used an oral contraceptive during 1986-95, without a history of venous thromboembolism, oral anticoagulants, depots hormone preparations, cardiovascular drugs, emergency contraception, or hospital admission for any reason in the 2 months before start of oral contraceptives Year and age