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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Oct 16.
Published in final edited form as: Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2010 Nov;65(11):713–728. doi: 10.1097/OGX.0b013e31820eddbe

Table 1.

Studies of the World Trace Center disaster of September 11h, 2001 and other terrorist attacks

Study disaster outcome definition of exposure sample size Results (exposed vs. unexposed) Notes on timing
Berkowitz, 2003a (45) WTC (United States) GA
Proximity to WTC 187 exposed, 2367 controls GA: 39.1 vs 39.0, p=0.55
BW: 3203 vs 3267, p=0.14
PTB: 9.9% vs. 9.2%, p=0.76
LOW BIRTH WEIGHT: 8.2% vs 6.8%, p=.47
IUGR: 8.2% vs. 3.8%; OR 2.2, 1.3-3.71; aOR1.9, 1.05-3.71
no difference by trimester or time of recruitment
Brand, 2006 (55) WTC (United States) maternal report of infant distress, response to novelty 98 women with post traumatic stress disorder rated infants as more distress, less likely novelty; no difference in other temperament traits 9 months old infant
Camacho, 2008 (57) terrorist attacks (Colombia) BW location of residence 781000 8.7 g reduction for living in area with landmine explosions strongest in first trimester
El-Sayed, 2008 (52) WTC (United States) VERY low birth weight
timing 3133 Arab, 126251 non-Arab VERY low birth weight aOR: 0.49, 0.31-0.76
LOW BIRTH WEIGHT aOR: 0.97, 0.78-1.06
PTB aOR: 0.78, 0.98?-0.90
Endara, 2009 (50) WTC (United States) birth defects
Infant growth deficiency (infant health registry)
timing of birth 164743 infants born to active-duty military families; compared to 2000 and 2002 babies Birth defects: aOR 1.01, 0.93-1.09
PTB: aOR 1.02, 0.98-1.06
SGA: aOR 1.00, 0.92-1.09
Growth: aOR 1.00, 0.95-1.06
Estimated date of delivery June 12, 2000-September 11, 2001
Engel, 2005a (39) WTC (United States) GA
post traumatic stress disorder/depression 52 women enrolled while pregnant, 5 zones post traumatic stress disorder and depression associated with longer gestations
post traumatic stress disorder assoc with smaller HC week after 9/11- more births <2000 g, fewer births 2000-2500 g
Eskenazi, 2007 (53) WTC (United States) VERY low birth weight
timing of birth 1,660,401 New York State women (birth certificate data) VERY low birth weight: aOR 1.44, MLOW BIRTH WEIGHT: aOR 1.67
BW 2000-2500 g: aOR 0.83
VERY low birth weight: in Dec and Jan - aOR 1.36, 1.28
MPTB in first 8 weeks after disaster in NYC: aOR 0.87
MPTB in first 4 weeks after disaster in upstate, aOR 0.89
months after 9/11
Lauderdale, 2006 (51) WTC (United States) LOW BIRTH WEIGHT
VERY low birth weight
timing and Arabic last name 15064 Arab named, 1532311 non-Arab named LOW BIRTH WEIGHT: aOR 1.34, 1.04-1.73
VERY low birth weight, PTB: no association
Six months after vs. six months before
Lederman, 2004b (48) WTC (United States) BW
live or work within 2 miles of WTC 300 fullterm, nonsmokers BW: adjusted 149g less
HC: adjusted -0.29, p=0.15
BL; adjusted -0.82 cm less
PI: no difference
GA: 2-4 days less; -1.22, p=0.18 after adjustment
SGA SGA: no difference
Lederman, 2008b (49) WTC (United States) BW
GA (all full-term)
Bayley scales
mercury exposure; mercury level not associated with proximity to WTC 136-151 infants no associations 12 and 24 months
Lewis, 2005c (38) WTC (United States) mother/infant bonding
alcohol use (Alcohol Use Disorders and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule)
Depression (CES-D)
explain how affected by terrorism
subjective effect of attacks
99 pregnant women drug users more likely to say disaster affected ability to bond no other main effects
No association with alcohol use
CES-D scale: 15.1 +/-9.7 (elevated)
exposure to attacks associated with depressive symptoms
2-9 months after WTC
Lewis, 2008c (100) WTC (United States) Depression (CES-D) effect of terrorism timing and self-report
within 9 months of 9/11
99 pregnant women more trauma predicted subjective effect
history of domestic violence/abuse predicts response to event
Maric, 2009 (58) bombing (Serbia) BW
Birth defects
timing (registry data) 1198 exposed, 2617 control BW: 86 g lighter, 95% CI 67-104
GA, BL: no difference
HC: 0.6 cm larger in exposed, p<0.01
Pre-eclampsia: aOR 0.60 (0.41-0.86)
Birth defects: aOR 3.3 (0.9-11.7)
Perera, 2005b (46) WTC (United States) BW
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Benzo(a)-pyrene DNA adducts (inversely correlated with distance from WTC) 170 women, 203 infants no independent effects interactive effect on birthweight with tobacco smoke: 276-g reduction in BW
1.3 cm reduction in HC
no interaction effects on PI, small for gestational age, GA
Rich-Edwards, 2005 (47) WTC (United States) GA
Timing 606 exposed, 1184 matched controls GA: 0.13 (-0.05, 0.3) weeks longer in exposed
PTB: OR 0.60, 0.36-0.98
Santos-Leal, 2006 (59) Madrid train bombing (Spain) PROM 18 in weeks after bombing, vs. average of 9
Smits, 2006 (54) WTC (The Netherlands) BW
timing 1885 year after, 1258 year before 48 g (95% CI 14-83) lower in exposed
0.7 days, p=0.07
no variation by trimester
Yehuda, 2005a (56) WTC (United States) cortisol levels post traumatic stress disorder after WTC 38 lower cortisol in both mother and baby if mother had post traumatic stress disorder most likely if mother developed post traumatic stress disorder in 3rd trimester

GA, gestational age; BW, birthweight; low birth weight, low birthweight (<2500 g unless otherwise specified); PTB, preterm birth (<37 weeks’ gestation unless otherwise specified); IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; small for gestational age, small-for-gestational-age; post traumatic stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder; OR, odds ratio; aOR, adjusted odds ratio; very low birth weight, very low birthweight (<1500 g unless otherwise specified); VPTB, very preterm birth; WTC, World Trade Center disaster of September 11th; PROM, premature rupture of membranes; NS, non-statistically significant; HC, head circumference; BL, birth length; PI, ponderal index; SAb, spontaneous abortion; MLOW BIRTH WEIGHT, moderately low birthweight, 1500-1999g; MPTB, 33-36 weeks

Studies marked with the same superscript letter are different analyses of the same sample