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. 2012 Jul;49(3-4):613–637. doi: 10.1177/1363461512447139

Table 1.

Participant demographics

Participants: (M)other; (F)ather Parental age (M)other; (F)ather Religion Community type Family type Gender of child Age of child Age of child at diagnosis
M1 F1 M1 49 F1 NA Hindu Urban Joint Female 23 4.5
M2 F2 F2 37 M2 32 Hindu Urban Joint Male 6 3
F3 F3 53 Hindu Rural Joint Male 8 8
M4 M4 32 Hindu Rural Joint Male 12 7
M5 M5 48 Catholic Urban Nuclear Male 16 8
M6 M6 40 Catholic Urban Nuclear Male 12 5
M7 M7 38 Hindu Rural Joint Male 7 1.5
M8 M8 30 Hindu Urban Joint Male 8 3
M9 M9 N/A Hindu Urban Joint Male 7 3.5
M10 M10 39 Catholic Rural Joint Male 5 1.5