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Table 2. Overall CS rate (%) 518/2545 - 20.3%.

Robson 's10-group classification No. of CS over total no. of women in each group Relative size of group
CS rate in each group
Contribution made by each group to overall CS rate of 20.3%
Nulliparous, single cephalic, >37 wks in spontaneous labor 96/737 28.9(737/2545) 13(96/737) 3.77(96/2545)
Nulliparous, single cephalic, >37 wks, induced or CS before labor 47/58 2.2(58/2545) 8.1(47/58) 1.84(47/2545)
Multiparous (excluding previous CS), single cephalic, >37 wks in spontaneous labor 33/1236 48.5(1236/2545) 2.6(33/1236) 1.29(33/2545)
Multiparous (excluding prev CS), single cephalic >37 wks, induced or CS before labour 33/54 2.1(54/2545) 61(33/54) 1.29(33/2545)
Previos CS, single cephalic, >37 wks 173/297 11.6(297/2545) 58.2(173/297) 6.79(173/2545)
All nulliparous breeches 30/33 1.2(30/33) 90.9(30/33) 1.17(30/2545)
All multiparous breeches (including previous CS) 37/41 1.6(33/2545) 90.2(37/41) 1.45(37/2545)
All multiple pregnancies (including previous CS) 26/37 1.4(37/2545) 70.2(26/37) 1.02(26/2545)
All abnormal lies (including previous CS) 5/5 1.1(5/2545) 100(5/5) 0.19(5/2545)
All single cephalic, <36 wks (including previous CS) 38/47 1.8(47/2545) 80.8(38/47) 1.49(38/2545)