Table 1.
Soil Series | Subgroup Classification | Soil Order | Horizons | Parent Material |
| ||||
Athena | Pachic Haploxeroll | Mollisol | A, AB, Bw, Bk | loess mixed with volcanic ash |
Bashaw | Xeric Endoaquert | Vertisol | A | alluvium from igneous rock |
Ephrata | Xeric Haplocambid | Aridisol | A, Bw, Bk, Ck | glacial outwash mixed with loess |
Jonas | Typic Hapludand | Andisol | A, B | residuum/colluvium from andesite, an admixture of volcanic ash and pumice |
Lickskillet | Lithic Haploxeroll | Mollisol | Bk, Bk2 | colluvium mixed with loess, rock weathered from basalt or rhyolite |
Sagehill | Xeric Haplocalcid | Aridisol | A, B, Bk, Bk1, Bk4, Bw | lacustrine deposits with a mantle of loess or eolian deposits |