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. 2012 Aug 3;12(8):10639–10658. doi: 10.3390/s120810639

Table 1.

Soil series names, USDA soil classifications, soil horizons and their parent materials of selected soil samples from Washington and Oregon used in this study.

Soil Series Subgroup Classification Soil Order Horizons Parent Material

Athena Pachic Haploxeroll Mollisol A, AB, Bw, Bk loess mixed with volcanic ash
Bashaw Xeric Endoaquert Vertisol A alluvium from igneous rock
Ephrata Xeric Haplocambid Aridisol A, Bw, Bk, Ck glacial outwash mixed with loess
Jonas Typic Hapludand Andisol A, B residuum/colluvium from andesite, an admixture of volcanic ash and pumice
Lickskillet Lithic Haploxeroll Mollisol Bk, Bk2 colluvium mixed with loess, rock weathered from basalt or rhyolite
Sagehill Xeric Haplocalcid Aridisol A, B, Bk, Bk1, Bk4, Bw lacustrine deposits with a mantle of loess or eolian deposits