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. 2012 Oct 16;7(10):e47409. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047409

Table 4. Description of candidate mRNAs selected for further validation.

Expression Levela
Gene BJAB Empty BJAB BARTs Fold Change Predicted miRBARTs bindingsites in the 3′UTRb Functions
CEBPA 1.69 62.24 36.73 3, 15 Transcription factor for cell growth and differentiation
TSPYL2 12.31 68.72 5.58 15, 5, 16, 19-3p, 7 Regulation of G1 checkpoint of cell cycle
IPO7 104.82 538.57 5.14 3, 16 Production of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6;
A member of β-karyopherinfamily that imports proteinsinto the nucleus
KISS1R 1.46 5.77 3.95 14 Receptor of KISS1 suppressor

Expression level of mRNA was calculated using an algorithm as previously described (D. Vereide et al., manuscript submitted).


Predicted EBV miRNAs targeted to cellular mRNA were analyzed by PITA algorithms (26).

The mRNAs enriched in the immunoprecipitates of RISCs from BJAB BART relative to BJAB Empty cells were evaluated based on the criteria described. Candidates selected for further validation are listed with their predicted binding sites for EBV miRNAs and their assigned functions.