Table 3.
Women caregiver, household and village characteristics associated with utilization of CHW services for child fever treatment
Characteristic | N | CHW % (n) | Other % (n) | p-value |
Overall |
298 |
34.6 (103) |
65.4 (195) |
Women caregiver education | ||||
No formal education |
169 |
34.9 (59) |
65.1 (110) |
0.885 |
Primary/secondary |
129 |
34.1 (44) |
65.9 (85) |
Women caregiver age group | ||||
≤20 y |
47 |
34.0 (16) |
66.0 (31) |
0.993 |
21-30 y |
136 |
36.0 (49) |
64.0 (87) |
31-40 y |
81 |
35.8 (29) |
64.2 (52) |
41+ y |
12 |
33.3 (4) |
66.7 (8) |
Attended ANC during last pregnancy | ||||
Yes |
196 |
35.2 (69) |
64.8 (127) |
0.581 |
No |
97 |
32.0 (31) |
68.0 (66) |
IPT (2+ doses SP) during last pregnancy | ||||
Yes |
140 |
32.9 (46) |
67.1 (94) |
0.674 |
No |
27 |
37.0 (10) |
63.0 (17) |
Knowledge of AL as new anti-malarial drug | ||||
Yes |
104 |
44.2 (46) |
55.8 (58) |
0.010 |
No/Don’t know |
194 |
29.4 (57) |
70.6 (137) |
Identified sleeping under net as way to prevent malaria | ||||
Yes |
239 |
36.4 (87) |
63.6 (152) |
0.179 |
No |
59 |
27.1 (16) |
72.9 (43) |
Household wealth rank | ||||
Most poor |
71 |
39.4 (28) |
60.6 (43) |
0.012 |
Poor |
174 |
37.9 (66) |
62.1 (108) |
Least poor |
53 |
17.0 (9) |
83.0 (44) |
Household size |
2 to 4 |
71 |
32.4 (23) |
67.6 (48) |
0.425 |
5 to 7 |
132 |
31.8 (42) |
68.2 (90) |
8 or more |
93 |
39.8 (37) |
60.2 (56) |
Village size | ||||
<60 households |
57 |
40.4 (23) |
59.7 (34) |
0.008 |
61-100 households |
82 |
41.6 (34) |
58.5 (48) |
101-200 households |
94 |
37.2 (35) |
62.8 (59) |
>200 households |
65 |
16.9 (11) |
83.1 (54) |
Visited by CHW in past 3 months | ||||
Yes |
153 |
63.4 (97) |
36.6 (56) |
<0.001 |
No | 176 | 39.2 (69) | 60.8 (107) |