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. 2011 Sep;84(1005):833–842. doi: 10.1259/bjr/58503354

Table 2. Histological parameters used to quantify the skin changes. High power field (h.p.f) = 0.196 mm2.

Parameter Score 0 Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
Epidermal cell death No apoptosis 1–5 apoptotic or necrotic bodies per 10 h.p.f. ≥6 apoptotic or necrotic bodies per 10 h.p.f. Full thickness epidermal necrosis
Spongiosis No spongiosis Focal Involving lower 1/2 of the epidermis Involving full thickness of the epidermis
Epidermal nuclear enlargement (average size 50 nuclei) <10 μm 10–12 μm 12–15 μm >15 μm
Adnexal damage Normal hair follicles 1–5 apoptotic or necrotic bodies in pilo-sebaceous unit per 10 h.p.f. ≥6 apoptotic or necrotic bodies in pilo-sebaceous unit per 10 h.p.f. Partial loss of hair follicles
Dermal leukocytic infiltration No leukocytic infiltration Leukocytes covering <10% of the dermis Leukocytes covering 10–70% of the dermis Leukocytes covering >70% of the dermis