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. 2012 Jan;85(1009):11–21. doi: 10.1259/bjr/73283917

Table 2. Information given to the volunteer during the process of obtaining consent. This table demonstrates the principal investigator (PI) responses to the question: “during the process of obtaining informed consent from the volunteer by the researcher, information is provided on which of the following?”.

Answer option(s) Number of PIs answering ‘Yes’a (total of n=62)
Current practice n (%) Ideal practice n (%)
1. What happens to the patient's personal data 51 (82) 26 (42)
2. Contingency plans should any incidental findings be foundb 54 (87) 21 (34)
3. Disclosure of any incidental findings to the volunteer's general practitioner/treating clinician 47 (76) 16 (26)
4. Disclosure of any incidental findings to the volunteer themselves by a member of the research team 24 (39) 16 (26)
5. Whether any incidental findings are likely to be treatable 13 (21) 11 (18)
6. Potential benefits of any incidental findings should they be found (e.g. prophylactic intervention) 16 (26) 13 (21)
7. Potential harms of any incidental findings should they be found (e.g. medical insurance being affected) 19 (31) 19 (31)
8. The extent (if any) of the investigator's responsibility to provide medical services should any incidental finding be found 26 (42) 19 (31)
9. Potential future re-contact in anticipation that the data be re-analysed in the future after this project has finished 23 (37) 20 (32)

aPIs were informed that they could choose more than one option.

bExamples are: (a) a suitable mechanism is always in place for disclosure of an incidental finding to the volunteer; (b) the plan is to always not disclose.