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. 2012 Oct 17;6:285. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00285

Table 1.

Studies used in the imagery meta-analysis.

Modality First author Year Imagery task Baseline
AUD* Belardinelli 2009 Imagine performing sensory action Listen to sentence designating abstract concept
AUD Bunzeck 2005 Imagined sounds corresponding to movie Passive viewing of scrambled scene
AUD Halpern 1999 Imagine continuation of tone sequence Passive listening to tones
AUD* Kellenbach 2001 Retrieval of sensory specific object knowledge concerning color, sound, size Visual search for X in unrelated letter string
AUD* Kiefer 2008 Lexical decision on stimuli with and without auditory features Implicit/rest
AUD Nyberg 2000 Recall sounds paired with textual cue Implicit/rest
AUD Wheeler 2000 Recall studied complex picture or sound Opposite modality recall
AUD Yoo 2001 Imagine recorded chord in response to cue Implicit/rest
GUS* Belardinelli 2009 Imagine performing sensory action Listen to sentence designating abstract concept
GUS Kikuchi 2005 Imagine taste of strong-tasting pictured foods Viewing colored balls
GUS Kobayashi 2004 Taste recall for pictured food items Implicit/rest
GUS Small 2003 Same/different judgments of pictured foods vs. locations Passive viewing of locations
GUS Veldhuizen 2007 Detection of taste in a tasteless solution Passive swallowing
MTR* Belardinelli 2009 Imagine performing sensory action Listen to sentence designating abstract concept
MTR Canessa 2007 Judgments whether items are manipulated using the same action Implicit/rest
MTR Creem-Regehr 2007 Mental rotation of self(motor) or other (visual) Implicit/rest + no rotation
MTR Dechent 2004 Imagined execution of trained finger tapping sequence Visual imagery of scene
MTR Guillot 2009 Imagined motor execution Passive tone listening
MTR Hanakawa 2002 Imagined execution of trained finger tapping sequence Fixation
MTR* Hauk 2004 Reading action words associated with specific body parts (e.g., “KICK”) Fixation
MTR Johnson 2002 Imagined grip Foil trials
MTR Nyberg 2001 Imagined execution of actions Implicit/rest
MTR Servos 2002 Imagined execution of motor sequence Visual object imagery
MTR* Simmons 2003 Property verification Lexical decision
MTR Vingerhoets 2002 Mental rotation of tools and hands to make same/different judgments Passive viewing (non-rotated pictures)
OLF* Belardinelli 2009 Imagine performing sensory action Listen to sentence designating abstract concept
OLF Djordjevic 2005 Imagined odors Odor detection in the absence of odor
OLF Gottfried 2004 Recall of odor paired with object pictures during training View picture without associated odor
OLF Plailly 2012 Odor imagery Implicit/rest
OLF Yeshurun 2009 Recall remembered smell Implicit/rest
TAC* Belardinelli 2009 Imagine performing sensory action Listen to sentence designating abstract concept
TAC* Newman 2005 Haptic/form judgments on pairs of concrete object names Implicit/rest
TAC Yoo 2003 Imagined tactile stimulation Implicit/rest
VCO Hsu 2011 Color word similarity judgment Implicit/rest
VCO Hsu 2012 Relative luminance decision on chromatic/achromatic object names Evaluative judgments on abstract concepts
VCO* Kellenbach 2001 Retrieval of sensory specific object knowledge Visual search for X in unrelated letter string
VCO Sack 2002 Mental clock task; color and angle judgments Implicit/rest
VFO* D'Esposito 1997 Visualize named concrete objects Abstract concept
VFO Ganis 2004 Visualize a line drawing Implicit/rest
VFO Gulyás 2001 Visualize capital letters from a known passage of text Implicit/rest
VFO Ishai 2000 Visualize recently studied or famous faces Passively view letter strings
VFO* Kellenbach 2001 Retrieval of sensory specific object knowledge Visual search for X in letter string
VFO Kosslyn 1993 Visualize uppercase block letters Response to unrelated target
VFO Kosslyn 1995 Visual form judgments on imagined line drawings Passive listening
VFO Kosslyn 1997 Visualize uppercase block letters Response to target grid element
VFO* Mellet 1996 Three-dimensional object visualization Passive listening/rest
VFO* Newman 2005 Haptic/form judgments on pairs of concrete object names Implicit/rest
VFO* Oliver 2009 Property verification Lexical decision
VFO Sack 2002 Mental clock task; color and angle judgments Implicit/rest
VFO Thompson 2001 Compare visualized and displayed patterns Response to unrelated auditory cue
VFO Trojano 2000 Comparing visualized clock faces Numerical judgment
VFO Yomogida 2004 Object imagery and synthesis Implicit/rest
VMO Alivisatos 1997 Mental rotation Discrimination of retters/rumbers
VMO Barnes 2000 Mental rotation and linear translation Implicit/rest
VMO Creem-Regehr 2007 Mental rotation of self (MTR) or other (VMO) Implicit/rest + no rotation
VMO de Lange 2005 Judge laterality of left/right hands Visual imagery
VMO Goebel 1998 Imagine previously studied moving stimuli Implicit/rest
VMO Guillot 2009 Visualized motor execution from 1st person perspective Passive tone listening
VMO Jordan 2001 Mental rotation Same/different/ numerosity judgments on static figures
VMO Kaas 2010 Imagine moving ball Passively listening to unrelated tone
VMO Slotnick 2005 Mental rotation Passively attend to display

Note: “


” denotes experiment with a semantic component; AUD, auditory, GUS, gustatory; MTR, motor; OLF, olfactory; TAC, tactile; VCO, visual-color; VFO, visual-form; VMO, visual-motion.