Child SDQ | Emotional problems | Conduct problems | Hyperactivity | Peer problems | Prosocial behaviour | Total score |
Female sex | 0.72±0.38 | 0.30±0.28 | 0.45±0.48 | −0.083±0.33 | 0.59±0.37 | 1.39±0.98 |
Age | 0.13±0.11 | 0.10±0.11 | −0.004±0.10 | 0.11±0.12 | −0.12±0.11 | 0.11±0.11 |
Gaming time | −0.13±0.096 | −0.058±0.098 | −0.028±0.10 | 0.10±0.10 | −0.036±0.10 | −0.047±0.096 |
Nongaming time | 0.052±0.11 | −0.016±0.11 | −0.019±0.11 | −0.025±0.12 | 0.046±0.11 | −0.0017±0.085 |
Television time | 0.082±0.092 | −0.039±0.095 | 0.038±0.095 | 0.081±0.099 | 0.067±0.097 | 0.063±0.090 |
Addiction score (CGAS) | 0.24±0.10 | 0.34±0.10 | 0.35±0.10 | 0.11±0.10 | −0.021±0.10 | 0.38±0.096 |
Data presented as standardized regression coefficients ± standard error, except female sex, which are nonstandardized, with statistically significant associations shown in bold.
Standardized regression coefficients can be interpreted as the number of SDs the SDQ score would increase, given a 1 SD increase in the predictor variable. CGAS Computer/Gaming station Addiction Scale