Figure 4.
PTEN KO mice treated with tamoxifen on P14 develop epileptic seizures. For all panels, cortical traces (ctx) are shown in black and hippocampal traces (hp) in blue. A: Typical electrographic seizure recorded using hippocampal depth electrodes. B: Dual trace EEG recording showing a long (≈3.5 minute) hippocampal seizure (hp, blue) preceded by two shorter seizures. Regions denoted by red lines are shown at higher resolution below. Note the absence of cortical involvement despite extensive hippocampal seizure activity. C: Example of a typical seizure recorded in cortex. D: Dual trace EEG showing seizure activity in cortex which gradually increases in amplitude over the course of the ≈30 minute event. In this trace, high amplitude intermittent burst activity is seen in both the hippocampal and cortical traces. E: Example of cortical burst suppression activity, which could persist for 30 minutes or longer and was typically observed as animal health declined. F: Example of epileptiform activity in hippocampus. See also figures S3 and S4.