Figure 1.Hypocotyl epidermal phenotype of cop10–1. Confocal images of light-grown wild type (A-C) and cop10–1 (D-F) seedlings carrying the TMM::TMM-GFP fusion that marks proliferating stomatal lineages (green). Plants were examined at 2, 4 and 6 dag after staining with propidium iodide to show cell contours (red). Insets show corresponding adaxial cotyledon epidermes. In cop10–1 hypocotyls, protruding and non-protruding cells are stunted and appear similar, contrasting with the wild type distinct cell patterns. Stomatal lineages are not overabundant at any time in cop10–1 hypocotyls, which show only occasional and small stomatal clusters at 6 dag in contrast with the equivalent cotyledons. Bars, 40 μm.