Figure 1. Prevalence (%) of metabolic syndrome by the degree and type of obesity (n = 3814) a.
a Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed by IDF criteria for adolescents; For adolescents aged 10 years to younger than 16 years, MetS was diagnosed with central obesity (WC≥90th percentile) for age and sex by the Chinese reference; and the presence of any two of the following four factors, ie. elevated BP (systolic ≥130/diastolic ≥85 mmHg), low HDL-C (<1.03 mmol/L), elevated TG (≥1.7 mmol/L ), IFG (fasting plasma glucose 3 5.6 mmol/L). For children aged 16 years or older, MetS was diagnosed using IDF criteria for adults, ie: Central obesity (WC≥90 cm for Chinese men and ≥80 cm for Chinese women) plus any two of the following four factors: elevated BP (systolic ≥130/diastolic ≥85 mmHg), low HDL-C (<1.03 mmol/L in males and <1.29 mmol/L in females), elevated TG (≥1.7 mmol/L), IFG (fasting plasma glucose (FPG)≥5.6 mmol/L). b Degree of obesity was diagnosed based on International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) BMI cutoffs. c Type of obesity was diagnosed simultaneously by IOTF-BMI criteria and the age-,sex-specific waist circumference 90th percentile by the Chinese reference.