Figure 3.
The increasing contrast feature pair. (A) We combined the high and low contrast doublets to produce a pair where the low contrast (10%) doublet is followed by the high contrast doublet, referred to as the increasing contrast doublet pair. (B) The spatial arrangement is flipped for stimulation in the anti-preferred direction, so that the temporal order of doublet contrasts remains the same. (C) Time-luminance trace for motion in the preferred direction. (D) Time-luminance trace for motion in the anti-preferred direction. (E) Intracellular response of an HS neuron to the increasing contrast pair moving in the preferred direction. The gray line indicates the predicted response based on the linear sum of the response to each individual doublet (as in Figure 2). The arrowheads highlight the timing of the three peaks to the second doublet, predicted from the model output (see Figure 2). (F) HS response to the doublet pair moving in the anti-preferred direction. The gray line indicates the linear sum of the response to the individual doublets (see Figure 2). The arrowheads highlight the timing of the three peaks to the second doublet, predicted from the model output. n = 20 from the same neuron as shown in Figures 2 and 4.