Cdk2ap2tr/tr mESCs fail to form teratoma in vivo. Wt and Cdk2ap2tr/tr mESCs were injected into the testes of SCID mice and allowed to form teratomas. Tumors were harvested, fixed, and analyzed for differentiation by H&E analyses. (A) Shows a 1× magnification of the tissues. As seen, while the Wt mESCs formed well-defined and differentiated teratomas (left panel), no tumors were observed in the testes from the Cdk2ap2tr/tr mESC injections. (B) Analysis of the H&E sections showed that the Wt mESCs formed tissues derived from all 3 germ lineages (green arrowheads). These include ectoderm-derived tissues—melanising epithelium (left) and neuroepithelium (middle); mesoderm-derived tissues—cartilage (left), dense connective tissue (middle), and bone (left); endoderm-derived tissues—glandular epithelium (left), hematopoietic tissue (middle), and ciliated epithelium (right). In contrast, only the testicular tissue was observed in the Cdk2ap2tr/tr injections. Appropriate magnifications were used to show each tissue and are indicated in each panel. H&E, hematoxylin and eosin.