The Tg(barhl2:GFP) transgenic line faithfully reflects the endogenous barhl2 expression in time and space. A, B, Whole-mount double fluorescent in situ hybridization against barhl2 mRNA and GFP mRNA on zebrafish retinas counterstained with DAPI (blue) at 35 hpf (A–A‴) and 50 hpf (B–B‴). C, D, Whole-mount fluorescent in situ hybridization against barhl2 mRNA followed by immunohistochemical labeling against GFP at 50 hpf (C–C‴) and 70 hpf (D–D‴). Colocalization of barhl2 mRNA with barhl2 mRNA or Barhl2:GFP expression (asterisks) occurs in the INL at all ages and in few cells in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) at 70 hpf. Scale bars: (in D″) A–D″, 50 μm; (in D‴) A‴–D‴, 20 μm.