Figure 6. YAP reduction specifically in SMCs alleviates smooth muscle phenotypic modulation and abrogates neointima formation following carotid artery ligation injury.
A. Carotid artery ligation-induced vascular injury was performed in YAP flox control and smooth muscle-specific YAP heterozygous mice (SM YAP Het). 21 days after ligation, carotid arteries were harvested for Western blot analysis or for HE staining (B). A representative blot or HE staining photo is shown from 3 pairs of littermates per genotype. Neointima lesions are outlined with yellow lines. Scale bar, 100um. C. Statistical analysis of neointima/media layer ratio and relative neointima area (D) in panel “B” using ImageJ software. N=3 pair mice per genotype. *p<0.05.