Model parameters for base-case and sensitivity analysis
Attribute | Baseline assumptions | Range for sensitivity analysis |
Sources |
Reduction in exacerbation rates (%) | 46 | 33-92 | Walker et al25 |
Reduction in duration/intensity of hospitalizations (%) | 63 | — | Busse et al,2 Corren et al26 |
Increase in quality of life (%) | 0.9 | 0-7.2 | Niebauer et al28 |
Increase in FEV1 % predicted (%) | 2.9 | — | Walker et al25 |
Monthly cost* ($) | 1300 | 100-2500 | Drug Topics Red Book, 200527 |
Monthly cost calculated based on yearly cost of omalizumab in 2005 dollars for a 70-kg adult with an IgE level of 200 IU/mL.