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. 2012 Aug 20;287(43):36208–36221. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.400705


Refinement statistics

Crystal structure
WT·pyruvate complex WT·ketobutyrate complex WT·pyruvate + succinic semialdehyde complex WT·4-hydroxyl-2-ketoheptane-1,7-dioate complex R70A·pyruvate complex D42A
Number of atoms
    Protein 3,828 3,800 3,806 3,828 11,473 3,808
    Water 1,091 815 808 803 1,858 896
    Hetero 62 60 100 132 65 68
    Rcryst (%)a 15.2 15.5 13.0 15.3 14.4 16.5
    Rfree (%)b 17.9 18.5 15.4 17.9 18.4 19.3

Root mean square deviation
    Bond length (Å) 0.018 0.011 0.014 0.004 0.010 0.017
    Bond angle (°) 1.65 1.32 1.39 0.868 1.25 1.46
    Average B-factor (Å2) 24.2 32.4 23.9 35.9 21.2 24.6

Ramachandran analysisc (%)
    Favored regions 99.6 99.5 99 99 98.8 98.6
    Allowed regions 0.4 0.5 1 1 1.2 1.4
    Atomic coordinate error (Å) 0.16 0.17 0.13 0.24 0.16 0.19
    Protein Data Bank accession codes 4B5S 4B5T 4B5U 4B5V 4B5W 4B5X

a Rcryst = ΣhklFo(hkl)| − |Fc(hkl)‖/Σhkl|Fo(hkl)|.

b Rfree = ΣhklÎTFo(hkl) − |Fc(hkl)|/ΣhklÎT|Fo(hkl)| where T is a test data set randomly selected from the observed reflections prior to refinement. The test data set was not used throughout refinement and contained 7.5–10% of the total unique reflections.

c Analyzed by Molprobity.