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. 2012 May 21;590(Pt 16):3807–3819. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2012.231084

Table 4.

Expression of the oxygen sensing genes in the human and mouse CB

Gene symbol (HGNC) Gene symbol (IUPHAR) Human Mice

Chemosensory function A B C D E C57BL/6J DBA/2J
HMOX2 (HO-2) p p p p p p p
NOX1 a a a a a a a
CYBB (NOX2) p p p p p a p
NOX3 a a a a a a a
NOX4 p p p p p p p
NOX5 a a a a a a a
DUOX1 a a a a a a a
DUOX2 a a a a a a a
SOD2 p p p p p p p
CAT p p p p p p p
CTH (CSE) p p p p p a a
CBS u u u u u p a
PRKAA1 (AMPK) p p p p p u p
HIF1A p p p p p p p
EPAS1 p p p u u a a
NOS1 u u u u u a p

K+ channels

KCNA1 Kv1.1 a a a a a a p
KCNA2 Kv1.2 u u u u u a a
KCNA3 Kv1.3 a a a a a a a
KCNA5 Kv1.5 p p a p p p p
KCNB1 Kv2.1 p p p p p p p
KCNC1 Kv3.1 a a a a a a a
KCNC2 Kv3.2 a a a a a u a
KCNC3 Kv3.3 a a a a a a p
KCND1 Kv4.1 a a p a a p p
KCND2 Kv4.2 a a a p p a p
KCND3 Kv4.3 a a a a a a p
KCNK2 TREK-1 a a a a a a p
KCNK3 TASK-1 p p p p p a p
KCNK9 TASK-3 a a a a a nd nd
KCNK13 THIK-1 a a a a a a a
KCNK15 TASK-5 a a a a a a a
KCNMA1 KCa1.1 p p p p p p p
(Maxi-K, BKCa, slo)

Abbreviations: p, present call; a, absent; u, uncertain (due to the conflicting results from the multiple probe sets interrogating the same gene), nd, not detected. Expression calls for HO-2, Maxi-K and TASK-1 were shown also in our previous publication (Fagerlund et al. 2010). KCNK9 (TASK-3) gene was not included in the set of oligonucleotides present on Affymetrix mouse arrays and therefore the expression could not be detected. HGNC, Human Genome Name Classification), IUPHAR, International Union of Pharmacology. In parentheses, frequently used gene symbol synonyms. Full gene names are presented in the Supplementary Table S13.