Table 2.
Baseline characteristics and score on barthel index, stroke impact scale, sense of coherence and the satisfaction questionnaire
Baseline n=175 (%) | 3 months n=170 | 12 months n=175 | |
Sex male/female |
102 (58)/73 (42) |
Age mean (SD) range |
68 (14) 24-93 |
Civil status, living together/alone |
109 (63)/64 (37)* |
Personal finances, Affluent/not affluent |
89 (58)/65 (42)† |
Education, >9 year/≤ 9 year |
96 (56)/74 (44)‡ |
Diagnosis infarction/haemorrhage |
148 (85)/27 (15) |
Localization right/left/both/brainstem/cerebellum/unclear |
74 (42)/77 (44)/2 (1)/5 (3)/13 (7)/4 (2)) |
Stroke before |
47 (27) |
11 (6) |
Hypertension |
100 (57) |
Diabetes |
38 (22) |
Severity mild/moderate/severe |
144 (82)/26 (15)/5 (3) |
Barthel Index, median (quartiles) |
90 (60,100) ‡ |
100 (95,100)§ |
100 (95,100) |
Stroke Impact Scale, median (quartiles) |
Strength |
75 (62.5,100)∥ |
75 (62.5,100)# |
Memory |
89 (79,96)§ |
91 (79,97)# |
Emotion |
78 (67,86)** |
83 (67,94)* |
Communication |
94 (82,100)†† |
96 (86,100)# |
87.5 (71,97.5)†† |
90 (75,100)# |
Mobility |
91 (78,100)‡‡ |
92 (72,100)# |
Hand function |
85 (60,100)§§ |
87.5 (62.5,100)∥∥ |
Participation |
75 (54,91)∥ |
81 (59,100)# |
Recovery |
70 (50,85)‡‡ |
75 (57,90)∥∥ |
Sense of Coherence median (quartiles) |
78 (68,85)## |
Satisfaction questionnaire |
Fulfilled needs for rehabilitation |
fulfilled/not fulfilled |
116 (67)/58(33)# |
Satisfaction with care satisfied/dissatisfied | 149 (86)/25(14)# |
*n = 173 †n = 154 ‡n = 170 §n = 169 ∥n = 166 #n = 174 **n = 164 ††n = 168 ‡‡n = 167 §§n = 163 ∥∥n = 172 ##n=158.