1. What type of program(s) to track medical radiation exposures/doses exist for your country? (Please select all that apply)
2. How widely are the program(s) to track medical radiation procedures and/or doses to your population implemented? (Please complete (a), (b), and (c) below.)
Estimated population of country:
Estimated % of population covered in health care system(s):
Estimated % of population in (b) above where program exists:
3. Do the program(s) track examinations for an individual patient? (e.g. multiple CT scans to the same patient)
4. What are the goals of your program(s) to track medical radiation exposures/doses? Please select all that apply.
Quality assurance/quality improvement
Policy development
Decision support for ordering exams, etc
Other (please specify):
5. How do you plan to record data in this program?
6. Will data collected be transmitted to a centralized database?
7. Which types of examinations (modalities) are tracked? Please select all that apply.
Conventional radiography/x-ray
Computed radiography (CR)
Digital radiography (DR)
Dental radiography
Fluoroscopy, Diagnostic
Fluoroscopy, Interventional
Computed Tomography (CT)
Nuclear Medicine (Planar)
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT)
Nuclear Medicine (PET)
Nuclear Medicine (Hybrid with CT)
8. Which of the following is tracked for an individual patient? Please select all that apply.
Numbers of exams/procedures
Type of examination/procedure (e.g. CT)
Anatomic region/organ scanned (e.g. abdomen or heart)
Radiation dosimetric information (e.g. Dose-Length Product, in mGy x cm)
Geographic information about exam/procedure (e.g. in Northern Province)
Information about specific site performing exam/procedure (e.g. at National University Hospital)
Other (please specify):
9. How useful is the program?
Extremely useful
Very useful
Moderately useful
Mildly useful
Not useful
Not yet evaluated
10. For what purposes are collected data used? Please select all applicable.
Data is not yet used
Quality assurance, quality improvement
Policy development
Decision support for ordering exams, etc.
Other (please specify):
11. What quantities are tracked for? Please select all applicable. |
Projection radiography (x-ray, computed/digital/dental radiography)
Computed Tomography
CT Dose Index, weighted (CTDIw)
CT Dose Index, volume (CTDIvol)
Dose-Length Product (DLP)
Organ Absorbed Dose(s)
Effective Dose
Other (please specify:
Incident air kerma
Average Glandular Dose
Exposure index
Other (please specify):
Nuclear Medicine
List additional measurements and associated modalities here: |
12. Please describe your current program(s) to track cumulative medical radiation doses, including data collection and storage strategies, organization, number and types of participating sites, budget, etc.: |
In addition, please attach a data collection form, if available. |