Table 4.
Afghanistan (RPB) | Czech Republic (2) (PS-RG, RPB) | Kyrgyzstan (RD) | Peru (RD) |
Armenia (2) (RD, RPB) | Dem Rep of Congo (RPB) | Lebanon (2) (RPB) | Philippines (RPB) |
Australia (RPB) | Egypt (RPB) | Lithuania (RPB) | Poland (RPB) |
Azerbaijan (2) (MP, RD) | El Salvador (RPB | Macedonia (MP) | Portugal (RPB) |
Bangladesh (RPB) | Estonia (2) (PS-RG, RPB) | Malaysia (4) (RPB (1), PS-RG (3)) | Qatar (MP) |
Belgium (2) (RPB) | Ethiopia (RG) | Malta (RPB) | Russian Federation (MP) |
Bhutan (RG) | Finland (RD) | Mauritius (RD) | Serbia (RPB) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (2) (MP) | Gabon (MP) | Moldova (MP) | Slovakia (MP) |
Brazil (RG) | Georgia (MP) | Mongolia (RPB) | South Africa (PS-RG) |
Bulgaria (RPB) | Greece (RPB) | Montenegro (MP) | Sri Lanka (RD) |
Canada (4) (PS-RG, MP, PS-RG, RPB) | Hong Kong, China (2) (PS-RG, RD) | Nepal (MP) | Sweden (MP) |
Chile (RD) | Hungary (2) (RPB) | Netherlands (2) (MP, PS-RG) | Syria (RPB) |
China (2) (RD, RPB) | India (2) (PS-RG, MP) | New Zealand (2) (RG, PS-RG) | Taiwan (MP) |
Colombia (PS-RD) | Indonesia (2) (RPB) | Nicaragua (MP) | Tajikistan (2) (RPB, RD) |
Costa Rica (MP) | Iran (RPB) | Niger (RD) | Thailand (RPB) |
Cote d’Ivoire (RPB) | Israel (RPB) | Norway (PS-RG) | Trinidad & Tobago (PS-RG) |
Croatia (2) (MP, RPB) | Italy (2) (MP) | Pakistan (RPB) | Uganda (PS-RG) |
Cuba (RPB) | Japan (MP) | Panama (RPB) | USA (PS-RD) |
Cyprus (RPB) | Kazakhstan (2) (RPB, MP) | Paraguay (RPB) | Vietnam (RPB) |
Affiliation of the organization/person filling in the form is given in parenthesis. PS: Professional Society, RPB: Radiation Protection Body, MP: Medical Physicist, RD: Radiologist, RG: Radiographer. The numbers in parentheses wherever provided represent the number of responses by the country when it was more than one response.