Figure 7. Protein complex stoichiometries.
A- Overall distribution of derived intra-complex component stoichiometries B, C- Estimated subunit stoichiometries within and between proteins of the large and small ribosome subunits agree on average with the expected 1:1 ratio. Boxes summarize first quartile, median and third quartiles, whiskers represent +/− 1.5 IQR and circles outliers. D, E- Estimated protein subunit stoichiometries within and between proteasomal proteins. Intra-subunit stoichiometries within the core, ATPase, or nonATPase regulatory subunits agree well with the expected 1:1 ratio, but stoichiometries observed between these complexes deviate significantly from 1:1 (ATPase:non-ATPase, Mann-Whitney p ≤ 10−3; core:ATPase, p ≤ 10−12; core:non-ATPase, p ≤ 10ȡ16). See also Table S2.