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. 2012 May;102(Suppl 2):S184–S186. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300514


Rapid HIV Testing in Urban Jails During a 2-Month Period: Baltimore, MD; Philadelphia, PA; and District of Columbia; 2008 and 2009

Baltimore Philadelphia District of Columbia
Background data
Estimated proportion of jail detainees completing HIV testing prior to the rapid HIV testing program, % 0.4 10 12
Estimated HIV prevalence within jailed population, % 1—2 3—4 5—6
Estimated proportion of detainees released within 30 d, % 50 60 55
Rapid HIV testing program
Dates of rapid HIV testing program data May 2008— 2009 2009
April 2009
Jail admissions 72 000 39 181 17 903
Detainees offered rapid HIV testing, no. (%) 9268 (13) 39 181 (100) 15 982 (89)
Rapid HIV testing completed, no. (%) 2066 (22) 27 000 (69) 12 546 (79)
 Positive rapid HIV test results, no. (%) 42 (2.0) 156 (0.6) 106 (0.8)
 Confirmatory test not completed, no. (%) 11 (26) 9 (6) 10 (9)
 Confirmatory test completed, no. (%) 31 (74) 147 (94) 96 (91)
 HIV infection confirmed, no. (%) 26 (84) 147 (100) 89 (93)
 New HIV diagnosis, no. (%) 7 (23) 75 (51) 60 (63)
 Completed rapid HIV testing with new HIV diagnosis, % 0.3 0.3 0.5