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. 2012 Jul;102(7):e46–e52. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.300665


Vaccination by Disease Conditions, Improving Adult Immunization Practices Using a Team Approach, 2009–2010

Received Vaccination Complete Hepatitis B Vaccination
Hepatitis A Vaccination
Patient Condition Pre, % No. Post, % No. P Pre, % No. Post, % No. P
Chronic liver disease Yes 10.0 10 47.1 17 .05 11.1 9 12.5 8 .93
No 90.0 52.9 88.9 87.5
Othera Yes 20.9 43 37.2 43 .1 3.1 32 13.6 22 .15
No 79.1 62.8 96.9 86.4

Other patient conditions include asplenia, chronic alcoholism, chronic liver disease, immunodeficiency, and kidney failure.