PET studies showing lower cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (CMRg) in carriers of apolipoprotein E4.
Reference | n in each group | CMRg |
Reiman et al (1996)138 | n = 11 E4+ homozygous n = 22 E4− |
↓ in posterior cingulate, parietal, temporal, & prefrontal regions of E4+ |
Reiman et al (1998)140 | n = 11 E4+ homozygous n = 22 E4− |
↓ in posterior cingulate, parietal, temporal, & prefrontal regions of E4+ |
De Leon et al (2001)229 | n = 48 HC of whom n = 12 → MCI, and n = 1 → AD |
↓ in entorhinal cortex predicted conversion of HC to MCI ↓ in hippocampus and temporal cortex in MCI compared with HC at follow-up ↓ in temporal cortex of E4+ |
Mosconi et al (2004)230 | n = 37 MCI n = 16 E4+ n = 21 E4−, of whom n = 8 → AD |
↓ in inferior parietal cortex for converters to AD ↓ in temporoparietal & posterior cingulate cortex for E4+ further ↓ in anterior cingulate & inferior frontal cortex for E4+ MCI converters |
Reiman (2004)139 | n = 12 E4+ heterozygous n = 15 E4− |
↓ in posterior cingulate, parietal, temporal, & prefrontal cortex for E4+ compared to HC |
Reiman (2005)62 | n = 78 E4− n = 26 E4+ homozygous n = 46 E4+ heterozygous |
↓ in posterior cingulate, precuneaus, parietotemporal, & frontal regions; negative correlations between CMRg & gene dose of E4+ allele |
Rimajova et al (2008)231 | n = 30 E4+ | ↓ in anterior & posterior cingulate cortex, temporal association cortex for E4+ |
Langbaum et al (2009)232 | n = 82 HC n = 142 aMCI n = 74 pAD |
↓ in posterior cingulate, precuneaus, parietotemporal, frontal cortex ↓ in precuneaus and frontal cortex for HC who were E4+ ↓ in lateral temporal cortex for aMCI who were E4+ |
AD – Alzheimer’s disease
aMCI – amnestic mild cognitive impairment
E4− – no apolipoprotein E4 allele
HC – healthy controls
pAD – probable Alzheimer’s disease
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