The processing of PMP22 in myelinating SCs. A, Total protein lysates of DRG explants from Wt and C22 mice after treatment with Ct or RM were incubated with endo-H (H) or PNGase F (N) and PMP22 was detected by Western blots. Endo-H-resistant (R) (square bracket, ∼22 kDa) and endo-H-sensitive (S) (∼18 kDa) fractions of PMP22 are marked. Control (C) protein lysates for each sample without enzymatic treatment are also shown. B, Semiquantitative analyses of data from three independent experiments for endo-H-resistant (p = 0.0576, p = 0.0855, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, t test, mean ± SD) and endo-H-sensitive fractions (##p < 0.01, ##p < 0.001, t test, mean ± SD) are shown.