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. 2012 Aug 23;3(8):759–773. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.595

Table 1. Summary of microarray studies in preeclampsia.

Author Group Mother age Gest. age (wks) BMI MOD Sampling Microarray Finding Hot genes Pathways
Jarvenpaa 2007 Finland 2 PE + IUGR 3 ctrl 21.5
Cs without labor Not described Affymetrix Human U133 plus 2.0 4 genes up 9 genes down Up: EPAS1, FLT1, SIGLEC10, ANG4 Down: ECGF1, JAG1, Palladin, COL18A1, TNFSF12, VEGF, ANPEP, PDGFA, SERPIN12 Angiogenesis
Centlow 2008 Sweden 10 PE 5 PE +notch 5 notch 15 ctrl 28.5±2.9 32.4±4.3 31.8±5.8 31±3.3 37.7±2.3 35.0±4.1 38.9±3.1 40.0±1.4 Cs/vag. Villous tissue from central part of placenta, frozen on dry ice and stored at -80°C. Operon v 2.1 human 70 mer oligo set 30 genes were altered in at least one fold between-group comparison. Up: Hbα2, Hbγ and Hbβ in PE vs. ctrl. Potent toxins: endothelial damage, inflammation
Toft 2008 Norway 10 PE 8 SGA 10 PE+ SGA 30.3±5.4 34.4±5.0 30.3±4.9 34.2±2.5 34.5±3.8 33.9±2.0 Cs Tangentially dissection from the maternal side close to umbilical cord, stored at -80°C. Affymetrix HG U133 plus 2.0 No difference between study groups. qPCR: FLT1 and ENG are up regulated in PE+SGA group Angiogenesis
Enquobahrie 2008 USA 18 PE 18 ctrl 32.6 30.0 35.8 38.9 27.0 25.3 10 Cs 7 Cs Pooled of 4 samples from maternal side, stored at -80°C. Operon Human genome array ready oligo set 1164 genes altered in PE vs. ctrl. 58 genes (56 up and 2 down regulated) had an absolute change ≥1.5. Up: LEP, FLT1, PCDHA3, CYP11A, F2R, IL9, FCGR2B, CDO1, VGLL1, EBI3, INSL4, BCL6,INHA Down: MGC1132, NR4A2 Reproductive physiology, immune response, cytokines, cell cycle
Winn 2009 USA Denmark 12 PE 11 PTL 30.7±9.1 30.2±7.1 32.1±3.3 31.0±4.6 6 Cs/10 labored 2 Cs/11 labored Basal plate, Snap frozen. Affymetrix HG-U133A / HG-U133B 55 genes differentially expressed. Up: FLT1, LEP, CRH, SIGLEC6, PAPPA2, INHA, ENG, HTRA1 Lipid metabolism, angiogenesis
Sitras 2009 Norway 16 PE severe PE 21 ctrl 30.5±5.2 30.2±4.8 34.0±3.6 39.6±1.3 25.9±4.8 24.8±5.3 11 Cs 8 Cs Chorionic tissue, 2 cm beside umbilical cord middle layer of placenta, stored at -80°C. Applied Biosystems Human genome survey microarray v2.0 213 genes up and 82 down in PE vs. ctrl. 36 up and 132 down in early- vs. late onset of PE. Up: LEP, FLT1, FLT4, β-hCG, ENG, LAEVERIN, BCL6, INHA, MMP14, PAPPA2 Down: PDGFD PE vs. ctrl: Angiogenesis, Oxidative stress, inflammation early vs. late: endothelial signaling
Founds 2009 USA (CVS) 4 PE 8 ctrl 36.5±0.6 38.1±3.1 11.4±0.7 11.3±0.6 29.9±4.2 24.5±4.0 Cs/vag. Chorionic villous sample at 10-12 wks. Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 Gene Chip 5 up and 31 down in 1st trimester in PE vs. ctrl. Up: CCK, CTGA2 Down: FSTL3, MMP12, LAIR2, S100A8 Inflammation, immune regulation, cell motility
Lee 2010 Korea 13 PE severe 13 ctrl 31.85±3.93 33.08± 4.65 35.93± 0.9 38.48±0.56 Cs without labor Central area, stored at -80°C. Pooled RNA. Agilent Human 4X44K 121 up and 294 down in PE vs. ctrl. Up: CXCR6, CXCL3, OSM, LEP, FLT1, VEGFA,SMOX, CYP26A, EGLN3, LDHA, CRY2L1 Angiogenesis
Hoegh 2010 Denmark 11 PE 18 ctrl Cs/vag. Maternal side, center of cotyledons, stored differently, Pooled RNA. Affymetrix HG-U133A Gene Chip 12 up and 9 down in PE vs. ctrl. Bradykinin B1 receptor, 14-3-3, INHBA, LEP Placentation, oxidative stress, inflammation
Várkony 2011 Hungary 6 PE 6 PE+ HELLP 5 ctrl preterm 5 ctrl term 34.3 28.7 31.6 30.8 32.4 30.7 31.0 38.9 24.3 23.7 23.4 26.7 Cs Villous tissue from central cotyledons close to umbilical cord, stored at -80°C. Agilent 44K whole human genome oligo 181 altered in preterm vs. term, 350 in PE vs. ctrl and 554 in HELLP vs. ctrl. Up: LEP, CGB, TREM1, LHB, SIGLEC6, PAPPA2 Down: KRT81, OPRK1 Multicellular structure, differentiation neuroactive ligand- receptor interaction
Tsai 2011 USA 23 PE 37 ctrl 33.6±3.7 37.6±1.93 Induc-tion of labor Fetal side, 5 cm from umbilical cord, in liquid nitrogen Illumina Human6- v2 BeadArray 128 altered in PE vs. ctrl. ENG, PAPPA2, RDH13, INHA, LEP, FLT1, SIAE, SIGLEC6 Immune response
Chang 2011 Taiwan 13 PE 10 ctrl 7 PE super-impose 28.1±1.4 33.2±1.6 33.5±1.9 33.5±0.9 38.8±1.0 34.2±1.2 Not descri-bed Maternal side, stored at -80°C. Human 15K chips Up: HSPA1B, LIMS1, PLAGL1, TRIM31, PPP2R2C Down: RNF128, ADM, ARFIP1 Development, apoptosis, cell death
Kang 2011 Korea 16 PE 17 ctrl 31.7±3.9 33.1±4.2 36.1±2.4 39.0±0.9 Cs without labor Chorionic tissue, near umbilical cord, in liquid nitrogen. GE healthcare Human whole genome bioarrays 132 altered, in PE vs. ctrl. UP: FLT1, LEP ITGA5, EBI3 SIGLEC6, HTRA1 Proliferation, differentiationimmune, biosynthesis, transport of lipid or protein
Nishizawa 2011 Japan 8 PE severe 8 ctrl 8 FGR 31.0±4.7 31.5±6.5 31.4±3.7 34.4±1.8 38.1±0.8 37.3±1.0 21.7±3.7 21.4±2.3 19.9±1.9 Cs without labor Sections of placental villi between the basal and chorionic plates, in liquid nitrogen. Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST Array 94 up and 88 down at least 1.5 fold in PE vs. ctrl. 30 up and 32 down of these in FGR. Up: INHBA, INHA, FLRG, BCL6, LEP, UP:PAPPA2, FLT1, ENG, CGB, CRH Down: GSTA3 p53 targets, cell growth, differentiation
Mayor-Lynn 2011 USA 7 PE 7 PTL 7 ctrl 23.8(20-26) 28.3(22-35) 30(21-38) 35 (31-39) 28 (24-33) 38 (37-39) 38.2 30.8 37.5 Cs Villous tissue. Illumina HumanRef-12 v3 Expression BeadChip 120 altered in PE and PTL compared to ctrl. CRH,SOCS1,MMP1, MMP9, ADAM17, ADAM30, TIMP3, STC2, CRHBP, EDN2 Inflammation, cell cycle, cell-to-cell signaling, Embryonic development
Junus 2012 Sweden Early 8 PE 4 ctrl late: 7 PE 6 ctrl 31.5±5.0 34.0± 4.5 30.0±11.5 24±4.5 29.3±3.0 24.4±1.6 39.9±1.9 40.2±2.2 8 Cs vag. 1 Cs 2 Cs Central part of placenta stored at -80°C. Operon v 2.1 human 70-mer oligo set 88 up and 108 down in early- vs. late onset. Down in early: ACVRL 1, EGFL7, ROBO4, IDO 1 Angiogenesis, cell motility, oxygen transport
Meng 2012 China 6 PE 6 ctrl 26.0±4.3 28.5±1.9 36.4±0.9 39.0±0.7 Cs without labor Sections from maternal face of the placenta Stored at -80°C Illumina HumanHT-12 V4 BeadChip 483 up and 456 down at least 2 fold in PE vs. ctrl. Up: BTNL9. HMBS. ULBP1, CHRNA1, RMRP Down: INSL6, CXCL9, TMCC1, PAGE2 Cellular function and development, cell signaling, lipid metabolism
Lapaire 2012 Switzerland 9 PE severe 7 ctrl 36.8(22-43) 35.1(33-37) 34.6 (33-39) 38.6 (38-41) 26.3 (30-34) 21.1 (19-37) Cs Cs Villous tissue, stored at -80°C. Affymetrix GeneChip Human 1.0 ST Arrays 896 differentially expressed. Up: βhCG, HTRA4, CRHBP, LHB, QPCT, CD97, MMP19, ADAM2, INHBC Down: CCL3, NOX4, VCAM1, FOSB, CX3CR1 Riboflavin metabolism, leukocyte extravasation, NF-κB and chemokine signaling

Cs: Cesarean section; vag: vaginal delivery; PTL: preterm labor; PE: preeclampsia; HELLP: haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets; SGA: small for gestational age; BMI: body mass index; MOD: mode of delivery; wks: weeks; ctrl: control; FDR: false discovery rate; IUGR: intrauterine growth restriction; FGR: fetal growth restriction; Up: upregulted; Down: downregulated.