Bioflavonoid effect on infectious virion secretion. A. Huh-7.5 cells were infected and 24 hours later, treated with 125μM bioflavonoid for 5 hours. Supernatants were immediately removed and concentrated 30-fold to remove approx. 97% of the bioflavonoids and used to infect naïve cells, followed by luciferase assays 72 hours later. B. Control experiment to determine if concentration effectively removed bioflavonoids from supernatants in part A. Two sets of huh-7.5 cells were infected with the reporter virus. Subsequently, the supernatants of one set of cells were replaced with medium containing 125μM bioflavonoid. For the other set of cells, the media containing 125μM bioflavonoid were filtered and concentrated to remove the bioflavonoids. The cleared medium was then used to replace the culture supernatants. 72 hours later, luciferase activity was measured. (**** and † indicate P<0.00005 and P<0.000005, respectively. Error bars reflect standard deviation.)