Figure 10.
Diagram of cAMP oscillations amplitude with respect to Cdc25 amount when deleting Pde1. The figure shows the oscillations amplitude of cAMP dynamics resulting from a PSA-1D where the amount of Cdc25 varies in the interval [0, 900], in the condition of deletion of Pde1. The mean and standard deviation of the average (squares), maximum (circles) and minimum (triangles) amount of cAMP during oscillations are plotted. The left and right shady areas correspond to noisy stochastic fluctuations and stable steady states, respectively, while the white area corresponds to oscillatory regimes. This analysis highlights that, when deleting Pde1, oscillatory regimes in cAMP can be established even when the amount of Cdc25 is at a two-fold overexpression with respect to the physiological amount of 300 molecules/cell (Table 2). Therefore, the deletion of Pde1 has the effect of widening the range of Cdc25 molecules under which sustained oscillations of cAMP occur, being approximately [150, 400] the interval whereby oscillatory regimes in cAMP are found when Pde1 is present in the system (see [17] for more details).