Figure 2. Localization of cadherins in normal oral epithelium and oral carcinoma tissues.
A: E-cadherin was localized at basal and suprabasal cells of normal oral epithelium (a). N-cadherin-positive cells were not existed in the epithelium (b). Negative control using non-immune mouse IgG instead of primary antibody (c). Bar = 50 µm. B: Carcinomas at the center of tumor (a, c, e) and the invasive front (b, d, f) were stained by anti-E-cadherin (a, c) and anti-N-cadherin (b, d) antibodies. Cadherins were stained at cell membrane (arrows) or cytoplasm (arrowheads). Insets; high power view of cells pointed by an arrow (a) and arrowheads (b, d). e,f: negative control. Bar = 12.5 µm, and 4.3 µm (insets).