P7C3A20 preserves walking gait when administered at the time of disease onset to G93A-SOD1 mutant mice. (A) The schematic diagram shows parameters used to measure gait. Front stride and back stride were collected as a straight line from back paw print to the following paw print. Back-to-front distance was collected as a straight line from back paw print to the corresponding front paw print. Twenty measurements (10 on each side) for each parameter were measured per mouse, and 20 mice per group were evaluated at 90- and 118-d time points. All measurements were conducted blind to treatment group, and Student’s t test was used for statistical comparison of a treatment group to its matched vehicle group. (B) At 90 d, there were no differences between any groups in back stride, front stride, and back-to-front distance. By day 118, all vehicle groups, and P7C3- and Dimebon-treated mice, showed a significant difference in these measures, reflecting disease progression. Back stride and front stride were preserved to near-normal levels in P7C3A20-treated mice on day 118. By day 132, P7C3- and Dimebon-treated mice were too sick to participate in the task. At this time point, P7C3A20-treated mice continued to show normalized back stride and front stride levels.