Fig. 3.
The two-step CL production by TCBQ/H2O2 was well-correlated to and directly dependent on its two-step hydroxyl radical production. (A and B) The ESR and fluorescent kinetic study on •OH production by TCBQ/H2O2. TCBQ, 0.1 mM; TrCBQ–OH, 0.1 mM; H2O2, 1 mM; DMPO, 100 mM; 3-CCA, 4 mM. (C) ESR detection of •OH production by TCBQ/H2O2 and TrCBQ–OH/H2O2. TCBQ, 0.5 mM; TrCBQ–OH, 0.5 mM; H2O2, 5 mM; DMPO, 100 mM. (D) The pH-dependent •OH production by TCBQ/H2O2 by fluorescent method. TCBQ, 0.1 mM; H2O2, 1 mM; 3-CCA, 1 mM. (E) The CL production by TCBQ/H2O2 was quenched by the classic •OH scavengers. TCBQ, 0.1 mM; H2O2, 100 mM. (F) CL production by TCBQ/H2O2 was further enhanced by addition of Fe(II)–EDTA. TCBQ, 0.1 mM; H2O2, 100 mM. All reactions were carried out in Chelex-pretreated phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.4).