(a) Stochastic elasticity of the stochastic growth rate (a = log(λS)), and stochastic elasticity of a to (b) the mean and (c) variance of each of the vital rates involved in the life cycle of the perennial C. flava and the annual C. annua (figure 3) under current (open bar) and projected (filled bar) precipitation regimes. Negative values indicate that increasing variability of a vital rate decreases a. Vital rates for Cryptantha: survival (σ), change in size (γ), probability of reproduction (φ), production of flowering stalks (χ), seedling establishment (ɛ) and seedling size (ϑ). Vital rates for Carrichtera: germination probability (δgerm), seedlings survival (σ), germinable seed production (ψgerm), survival in seed bank (δbank1, δbank2 and δbank3), seed-bank contribution (ψbank) and seed-bank emergence probability (ɛgerm).