Table 1.
DIC values for eight ZIP models across three data-grouping resolutions. The logistic part always contained an intercept and parameter associated with host density; the Poisson part contained an intercept and one of eight combinations of parameters associated with six ecological covariates: host density (HD), parasitoid density (PD), host body size (HBS), parasitoid body size (PBS), site nitrogen content (N) and site temperature (T) (see the electronic supplementary material, appendix D). Models with lower DIC are preferred to models with higher DIC, and numerical comparisons should only be made within columns (best-fit model in bold). Twenty food web replicates were evenly divided into four treatment classifications: control nitrogen and control temperature; control nitrogen and elevated temperature; elevated nitrogen and control temperature; and elevated nitrogen and elevated temperature. The food-web data were studied at three resolutions—coarse, medium and fine—according to how the food web replicates were grouped (see main text). Some models were not applicable to certain groupings (denoted by X). Simulations were run in R using the R2jags package that interfaces with jags 2.2.0 with 50 000 iterations after a burn-in of 50 000 iterations, three chains, thinning = 20. Convergence was assessed using the Gelman–Rubin diagnostic function [30] provided in Jags v. 2.2.0.
model | coarse |
medium |
fine |
all | control (N) | N | control (T) | T | control | temperature | nitrogen | temp. + N | |
HD PD | 944.8 | 434.1 | 526.1 | 498.9 | 466.5 | 201.7 | 244.6 | 298.1 | 231.5 |
HD PD N | 943.3 | X | X | 498.9 | 469.1 | 203.6 | 246.0 | 299.5 | 233.0 |
HD PD T | 940.8 | 428.1 | 526.5 | X | X | 205.0 | 246.1 | 299.6 | 228.0 |
HD PD N T | 938.8 | X | X | X | X | 205.2 | 247.3 | 299.2 | 230.7 |
HD PD HBS PBS | 935.7 | 432.0 | 519.6 | 498.5 | 464.7 | 204.5 | 243.8 | 300.8 | 223.6 |
HD PD HBS PBS N | 935.1 | X | X | 496.5 | 472.6 | 207.1 | 244.7 | 303.0 | 224.5 |
HD PD HBS PBS T | 932.2 | 443.6 | 521.5 | X | X | 206.9 | 246.3 | 302.2 | 218.5 |
HD PD HBS PBS N T | 932.0 | X | X | X | X | 207.8 | 248.0 | 303.7 | 219.6 |