Beat cycles analyzed for an individual nauplius of: A) Oithona davisae (body length = 0.154 mm), B) Acartia tonsa (body length = 0.154 mm), C) Temora longicornis (body length = 0.168 mm), and D) T. longicornis swimming (body length = 0.290 mm). Body velocity (upper panels), total distance travelled (middle panels) and the position of appendages relative to the tip of the nauplius head (lower panels), all as function of time. Positions of the tips of antennules, antennae and mandibles relative to the tip of the body are shown in blue, red and green, respectively. Grey vertical dashed lines indicate the end/beginning of a beat cycle, ibc: initial beat cycle, 1bc: first beat cycle, 2bc: second beat cycle.