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. 2012 Aug 24;350(2):215–223. doi: 10.1007/s00441-012-1486-5

Table 1.

Specification of immune reagents vs. zinc transporter 3 (PGP9.5 pan-neuronal marker, ZnT3 zinc transporter 3, NOS nitric oxide synthase, VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide, SP substance P, SOM somatostatin, LENK leu-enkephalin, VAChT vesicular acetylcholine transporter, NPY neuropeptide Y, GAL galanin, CGRP calcitonin-gene related peptide, FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate, AMCA 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid, H heavy chain, L light chain)

Antisera Code Host species/specificity Dilution Supplier
Primary antibody
PGP9.5 7863-2004 Mouse 1:2000 Biogenesis, UK;
ZnT3 Rabbit 1:600 Gift from Prof. Palmiter, USA
NOS N2280 Mouse 1: 2000 Sigma, US;
VIP 9535-0504 Mouse 1: 2000 Biogenesis
SP 8450-0505 Rat 1:300
SOM 8330-0009 Rat 1: 100
LENK 4140-0355 Mouse 1: 1000
VAChT H-V007 Goat 1: 2000 Phoenix, Pharmaceuticals, US;
NPY NZ1115 Rat 1:300 Biomol Research Laboratories, US
GAL T-5036 Guinea pig 1:1000 Peninsula Labs, US; see Bachem;
CGRP T-5027 Guinea pig 1:1000
Secondary antibodies
FITC-conjugated IgG (H + L) 715-095-151 Donkey-anti-mouse 1:800 Jackson
712-095-153 Donkey-anti-rat 1:800
706-095-148 Donkey-anti-guinea pig 1:1000
705-096-147 Donkey-anti-goat 1:1000
Biotinylated IgGs E 0432 Goat anti-rabbit 1:1000 DAKO, E 0432
Biotin conjugated F(ab)’ fragment of affinity-purified IgG (H + L) 711-1622 Anti-rabbit 1:1000 BioTrend, 711-1622
AMCA-conjugated IgG (H + L) 715-155-151 Donkey-anti-mouse 1:50 Jackson
715-155-153 Donkey-anti-rat 1:50
705-156-147 Donkey-anti-goat 1:50
CY3-conjugated streptavidin 016-160-084 - 1:9000