Fig. 4.
Distance ratios between alleles and between regions. a SU and UG distance ratios between alleles in each cell for each subject. Box and whisker plots show the distributions of the distance ratio for each subject. Distance ratios were calculated as follows: SU ratio (yellow lines in the top diagram) = longer SU/shorter SU distance; UG ratio (gray lines in the top diagram) = longer UG/shorter UG distance. For both the SU and UG ratios, P values were obtained using the Mann–Whitney test within each subject and between subjects (F-LCL, F-PB, and F-FB; M-LCL and M-PB; F-LCL and M-LCL; and F-PB and M-PB). A P value < 0.0045 was considered statistically significant after correcting for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni’s correction, α = 0.05/11 = 0.0045; *P < 0.004; n = 50 nuclei). b SU/UG distance ratios of each allele for each subject. In the primary sequence of the human genome, SU:UG = 451 kb:1,298 kb = 0.35:1 (upper left diagram). Ratio of the distance of S1U1when the distance of U1G1 was set to 1 (blue lines in the upper right diagram): p = S1U1/U1G1 (blue box and whisker plots in the graph). Ratio of the distance of S2U2 when the distance of U2G2 was set to 1 (red lines in the upper right diagram): q = S2U2/U2G2 (red box and whisker plots in the graph). The dashed line in the plot shows 0.35. For p and q, P values were obtained using the Mann–Whitney test between different cell types of the same individual (F-LCL, F-PB, and F-FB; M-LCL and M-PB) and between identical cell types from different individuals (F-LCL and M-LCL; F-PB and M-PB). A P value < 0.0045 was considered statistically significant after correcting for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni’s correction, α = 0.05/6 = 0.008); no significant difference was observed (n = 50 nuclei). c Configuration of SNRPN, UBE3A, and GABRB3 genes on homologous chromosomes in the nucleus for each subject drawn based on Table 2 and (b). Decimal fractions in blue indicate the median distance ratio of p as shown in (b). Likewise, decimal fractions in red denote the median distance ratio of q. The blue value “1” and red value “1” are not equal distances