Fig. 2.
Peri-ischemic regional CBF (rCBF) changes, expressed as percentages of the preischemic baseline flow (in perfusion units), obtained from a laser-Doppler flow probe positioned over the MCA territory, 4-5 mm lateral and 1-2 mm posterior to the bregma (see Fig. 1). Values are means ± SEM. Data was obtained in rats treated with LJP-1586 starting at 6h (n=13) and 12h (n=13) of reperfusion, and in rats given ip saline vehicle at 6h (n=11) and 12h (n=7) post-MCAo. No significant differences were observed when comparing time-specific intra-ischemic or post-ischemic CBF values in saline-treated vs LJP-1586-treated rats. ANOVA results for reperfusion data revealed no significance (F=1.364; p=0.202)