PrPα3M accumulates intracellularly. Subcellular distribution of WT HaPrP (A and J) and of its M134S (B and K), M213L (C and L), G123P (D and M), M206S (E and N), M213S (F and O), DS (G and P), C214A (H and Q), and G123PDS (I and R) mutants expressed in HpL cells is shown. Panels A–I correspond to immunofluorescence detection in fixed cells. PrP (green) was stained using 3F4 mAb, nuclei (blue) were stained with Hoescht and Golgi (red) with anti-βCOP antibody. Panels J–R display the fluorescence of the corresponding YFP fusion PrPs in living cells. Mutants M134S, M154S, and M213L were used as negative controls; G123P and A117V as negative and positive controls for CtmPrP, and C214A as control for forms lacking intramolecular disulfide bond.