RyR inhibition reduces Ca2+ leakage from the store and facilitates store refilling in Jurkat YC4.2er cells. A, representative traces showing changes in [Ca2+]ER in control cells preincubated with vehicle alone (Ctl; black trace), 400 μm Ry (blue trace), or 30 μm DS (red trace). Prior to taking measurements, the CPA was applied for 10 min and then washed out for 10 min in Ca2+-free bath solution. Nominally Ca2+-free (0 Ca) and 2 mm Ca2+-containing (2 Ca) extracellular solutions were applied as indicated. The raw F535/F480 values, which are proportional to [Ca2+]ER, were normalized so that F535/F480 values determined just before the first application of 2 mm Ca2+-containing solution and 1.5 min after the second application of 2 mm Ca2+-containing solution were taken as 0 and 100%, respectively. Inset, expansion of the boxed area. Traces were aligned at the time of Ca2+-free bath solution application. The time constant (τ) of the F535/F480 decay was determined by fitting the initial 60-s segment of normalized F535/F480 traces recorded following application of Ca2+-free bath solution with a single exponential function (smooth lines in the inset). B, average values of τ obtained in control cells preincubated with vehicle alone (Ctl; black bar; n = 9), Ry (blue bar; n = 5), or DS (red bar; n = 4). *, differences between means are significant (p < 0.05). Error bars, S.E.