In situ hybridization of SuSy in cross-sections of
FLS (A–C) and fls (D–F) ovules. The
purple signals represent SuSy mRNA. A, B, D, and E,
Cross-sections were hybridized with an antisense RNA probe
generated from SS3 cDNA. Note in B the very strong SuSy mRNA signals in
the large and spherically shaped initiating fiber cells (arrow), the
weak signals in the small fiber cells (triangle), and the undetectable
signals in the nondifferentiating epidermal cells. Also note in E that
SuSy mRNA was undetectable in the nondifferentiating epidermis of the
fls mutant. C and F, Cross-sections were
hybridized with sense RNA probe. Bars in A and B are 50 and 22 μm,
respectively (magnifications of A and D, B and C, and E and F). f,
Fiber cell; oi, outer integument; ii, inner integument; n, nucellus.