Figure 6.
(a)-(c) Time series of BF-STEM images taken at t = 0 (a), 60 (b), and 120 s (c), with ie = 40 pA, M = 100,000x, 5 μs dwell time, resulting in an electron dose rate of 3.37 electrons/(Å2s). (d)-(f) Time series of BF-STEM images taken at t = 0 (d), 60 (e), and 120 s (f), with ie = 7 pA, M = 100,000x, 5 μs dwell time, resulting in an electron dose rate of 0.59 electrons/(Å2s). The scale bar for both time series is 200 nm. (g) Plot of the effective radius (reff) as a function of time for 4 individual nanocrystals indicated in (a)-(c) with arrows. Inset is a higher magnification image showing the near spherical morphology of the resulting nanocrystal, the scale bar is 100 nm. (h) Plot of the effective radius (reff) as a function of time for 4 individual nanocrystals indicated in (d)-(f) with arrows. Inset are higher magnification images showing the faceted morphology of the resulting nanocrystals, the scale bars are 100 nm. (i) Logarithmic relationship between the effective radius and time. The red data points correspond to (g) while the blue correspond to (h), the different markers correspond to the individual nanocrystals indicated in the legends of (g) and (h). The black lines are the average power law fits for the 4 different nanocrystals, obtained by linear regression. A 10 point averaging filter was used on (g), (h), and (i) to reduce noise in the data.