Figure 2.
Hematoxylin/eosin-stained sections of 10 wk virgin, 23 wk virgin, pregnant day 8, and pregnant day 15 mammary glands. 5 μm section from (A,B) 10 wk SFRP1+/+ female, (C,D) 10 wk SFRP1−/−female, (E,F) 23 wk SFRP1+/+ female, (G,H) 23 wk SFRP1−/−female, (I,J) wt P8 female, and (K,L) wt P15 female. (A,C,E,G,I,K) Low magnification (40X) images illustrate the significant increase in the number of ducts and alveoli present in 10 wk virgin SFRP1−/−, 23 wk virgin SFRP1−/−, P8 SFRP1+/+,and P15 SFRP1+/+ when compared with virgin SFRP1+/+ animals. Tissue was harvested from and assessed in 6 animals/genotype.