Figure 1. Weight, lifespan and motor function after IP transplantation of BMSCs.
(a) Body weight was measured three times a week for untreated WT, BMSC-treated twitcher, and untreated twitcher mice starting at PND 16. (b) All twitcher mice (BMSC and Twi) were monitored daily and euthanized at 20% of the maximum body weight or when they became moribund. A Kaplan-Meier survival curve of the untreated and BMSC treated twitcher groups is shown. (c and d) Twitching frequency and severity were assessed three times a week for all twitcher mice using the conventional twitching clinical scoring systems. Medians, and not means, are plotted, and significant differences between the two treatment groups are indicated by # if P<0.0038, (e) Hind leg strength was assessed for untreated WT, BMSC-treated twitcher, and untreated twitcher mice three times a week using the wire hang test. Significant differences between the Twi mice and BMSC or WT groups are indicated by # or *, respectively, if P<0.0012. (f) Hind stride was measured for untreated WT, BMSC-treated twitcher, and untreated twitcher mice three times a week for assessment of gait. Significant differences between the Twi mice and BMSC or WT groups are denoted by # or *, respectively, if P<0.0014.