Figure 3. Models for the PPI formed between (A) PKD1 and PKCε, and (B) EF1δ and VHL using homology models and remote structural relationships.
The same template complex of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 3 and ubiquitin (PDB code: 2fuh A and B chain, shown in blue and red respectively) was used in both cases. The structures of the PH domain of PKD1 and the GNE domain of EF1δ (shown in green and purple) are homology models from ModBase; the structure of a C1 domain of PKCε (yellow) is a homology model from SkyBase; the structure of VHL (cyan) is from PDB (1lm8 V chain). In each case, the relevant homology models are structurally superimposed on one of the two templates in the E2-ubiqutin complex.