Figure 5. Regularity measurements suggest that dCKO mice have normal vestibular functioning and do not suffer from ataxic gait.
The Noldus Catwalk System measured a number of gait parameters, one of which was regularity. Regularity was used to assess overall coordination of the mouse such that as coordination declined, so did percent regularity. We have previously shown that Pax2-Cre N-Myc CKO mice suffer from ataxic gait, suggested by low regularity that did not improve over time. Here, we saw that both WT and dCKO mice performed with high regularity at both P21 and four months of age and that the regularities were equivalent. All test points were plotted for both WT and dCKO with a line connecting the two means showing the change in means from P21 to four months of age. Equivalence testing confirmed the similarity of the groups at both time points and across time.