Fitted regression lines are based on the model described in Table 2 (restricted to subjects with viral suppression at week 48), with controlled BL CD8 count, RNABL, BL CD4 memory count, BL CD4 naive percent at their median values (779 cells/mm3, 4.85 log10 copies/mL, 165 cells/mm3, and 33% respectively), and CD4BL at various values (medians for each of the 5 strata: 21.5, 113, 278, 410, and 593 cells/mm3). Circles represent the model-generated values of ΔCD448 at their median BL RCBL for the 5 strata. When CD4BL = 297, the slope of the fitted regression line is zero. The CD4BL × RCBL interaction was significant (p=0.018), with a positive association between RCBL and ΔCD448 in subjects with higher CD4BL, and a negative association in subjects with lower CD4BL. The lines are drawn beyond the data points used in the model in order to illustrate the relationships among the lines.